A program to view Tribal Environmental Exchange Network (TREX) sensor data.
A program for Android phones and Tablets to view Tribal Environmental Exchange Network (TREX) near real time sensor parameter data for selected sites. The sites are displayable on a map. A user can save sites into the Favorites Spinner for quick access. For each site which contains parameter data, the user can view the associated weather and air quality sensor dashboard components. New data is provided hourly.Weather parameters include:- Dew point- Relative humidity- Temperature- 1 hour rainfall- Total daily rainfall- Sea level pressure- Solar radiation- Wind speed and directionAir Quality parameters include:- C02 8 hour- Ozone 1 hour- Ozone 8 hour- N02- S02 1 hour- PM-2.5 24 hour- PM-10 24 hourThe dashboard interface is reduced to one display to utilize the screen size and reduce confusion on sites that have either no weather or no air quality parameters. Increased the size of the dashboard images for viewing. Added Precipitation, Precip Since Midnight and Solar Radiation on Display Options. Also, fixed a crash when the mobile device is flipped and set the orientation to portrait to resolve crash since it is not meant to be used in landscape mode.